Saturday, September 6, 2008

Starting something new...

Hello all!

Well, I decided to start up a blog so that Nathan and I can keep in touch with all our family. I am not a person that usually likes to do these type of things, but I am going to try to start something new. :) I hope that I can keep this up and keep everyone updated on what is going on in our lives. If I don't, I give you my permission to bug me until I post new things.

So, what is going on in our lives right now you ask? Well, we are currently looking for a new place to move. We have been in search for a new home for about a month now. We are currently living in a very nice condo, but because it contains stairs, we can not stay here much longer.We have been looking at many different mobile homes in Yucaipa. Last Saturday, after looking at about what felt like 50 houses, we found the one that we really like and would meet all our needs. We put an offer in on it this past Tuesday and we are about to enter the fun world of escrow. So hopefully everything works out for the best. We can't wait to find a new place to move in and to make it a home for our future family.

(I am not sure how many of you are aware that I have a condition called Fibromyalgia. It is a muscle disorder that causes me to be in pain and makes me incapable of doing normal physical tasks and activities like climbing stairs.)

Well, that is it for my first blog. I promise there will be many more in store for the future.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Oh! I'm so glad you guys started a blog! I was beginning to think I may never get to know you guys!!!