Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bethany is Going to Russia!

Bethany will be leaving us in January to go to St Petersberg for five months, where she will be teaching elemantary school aged children English. The organization's name is ILP (International Language Program)

This is a huge thing! I am so proud of Bethany for wanting to do this. This is a wonderful opportunity and she will grow so much. I can't wait for her to come home and tell us about all the wonderful things she was able to do.

Because ILP is a non-profit organization, she has to pay her own way. As a way to help her raise her money, my family is making a church cd as a thank you gift if you donate $35 or more to ILP, in Bethany's name. Below is a link to her blog for more information. On her blog, you can hear one of the songs off the cd.

I am so excited for Bethany and wanted to share my excitment with you all! :-)

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