Saturday, November 22, 2008

Finally Moved!

Well, as you all know we finally were able to move into our new home today! It has been a very long process, but with many prayers from all of you, it has all worked out. It is wonderful what a lot of faith and prayer can do. Thank you all for your support and love.

This week has been very busy. We basically packed the whole condo in one week with the help of both families. My mom has been amazing and has come over several days to help me pack all my fragile things and give me tips on how to pack the other boxes and then today she helped me get all my kitchen boxes unpacked and everything put away. She is truely an amazing woman. Nate's mom was able to provide a bunch of leftover boxes from her Afghanistan project. It was a great help! We finally got everything packed this morning at about 5:30. We had the Elders Quorum from our old ward help pack up the moving truck and then about an hour later we had the Elders Quorum from our new come to unload. Everything was moved over to our new place by 12. It was done in no time at all.

So this next week Nate and I will be unpacking all our boxes and having fun making our new place look like a home. :) I can't wait until everything is unpacked and done.

This has been a wonderful experience. :)

(I have taken a lot of pictures but don't have then uploaded on the computer yet, so I promise that I will be putting pictures up soon.)

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Congrats on your new home! that's so exciting!