Monday, February 22, 2010

We're Grown Ups! :-)

Nathan and I have decided to try to start eating healthier. We both have put on a few unwanted pounds and just feel that we needed to start taking more care of ourselves.

We made a very large shopping list and went to Stator Bros. to purchase our new healthy food. We were laughing the whole time we were shopping because we said that our shopping cart finally looks like that of an adult. Instead of cans of speghetti sauce, pasta, top roman, frozen dinners, and kid cereal, we had chicken, fish, and lots and lots of veggies.

I really hope that we can stick to our new eating habbits. And hopefully by doing so, we can shed these few unwanted pounds. So wish us luck! :-)


Rebecca said...

Good job guys! Keep us updated! It always pays off to treat your body well!

Sarah said...

Horaay! That sounds like a good plan. One thing that I noticed last year as I was trying to eat healthier, was that if I would just start each meal and snack with a fresh fruit or vegetable I wouldn't eat as much of the other food and I was getting in a lot of good fresh produce. I did lose a few pounds that way and probably would have lost more if I'd stuck with it. But that is always the hardest part for me.